The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has many improvements from the previous model. The screen is bigger but the phone itself is smaller and lighter. It has 3 GB of RAM, 1 GB more than the Note 2. It also has a faux leather back, compared to plastic, glass, or metal. It has a Snapdragon 800 processor. It has a 13 MP camera and a 2 MP sensor, matching the Galaxy S4. It's battery life improved by .4 hours to 12.16 hours. It also improved its multitasking abilities so that two windows of one application can be open on the screen at the same time. Overall it has been improved in every way.
It would be hard for me to decide between this phone and the S4 Active. I'm not sure if I would want to have such a big phone and its hard to tell if the leather back would be better or worse than a typical plastic or metal back. I do like the idea of having a stylus with the phone. It would make certain actions much easier and more efficient, like writing or drawing on the screen. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, which I got because of its rugged features which the S4 Active has but the Note 3 doesn't. When its time for me to upgrade next December, I will be looking at the Galaxy line, but I'm not decided on which one would be best for me.
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